Guess what :. Your copy of The Canterbury Tales may actually be more exciting than you think (sorry, Mr. Chaucer). It is very possible that your battered, old copy of the book contains a bit of avant-garde painting, which is an illustration or painting is hidden on the edge of book pages. The technique allegedly dates back to 1650 and we have no idea why people have gone through the trouble of painting on their old works of literature, but thanks to Colossal, we now know they are there.
you can see paintings by folding together the pages of the book, just so you can see a small piece of each page.
as impressive as this is, we can not imagine why would someone commit countless hours to make these hidden images.
Although in the 1800s, the ladies would was mighty impressed.
Whatever the reason why people originally painted board their books, now these small works of art are sold for hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of dollars. I have a feeling pulling me on the edge of my old college textbooks with Sharpie is not the same effect ... Here are two other examples of paintings to-edge. Time to go check all the books I own. Although I doubt my Kindle has hidden messages ... Share with others. Who knows, your friends may have hidden riches.
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