Having countless responsibilities is the best, right?
No! As children, we spent so many years wish we could be adults it is almost amusing to look back at the time in an existence is futile, how did-I-get-there sort of path.
Whether you're a 20-something like me who has been abandoned in adulthood against his will or a veteran in the department of the real person, you know the fight. Adulting is worse, and here's why.
1. The second monthly salary turns magically rental right before your eyes.
2. Skip over $ 6 on all that fills you with a deep sense of existential dread.
3. You must live in a city for work, but the only apartment that you can afford is not really big enough to house a human being.
4. Halloween gets creepier and less relevant each year because adulthood is where fun goes to die.
5. The words "health insurance" strike fear in your heart.
6. You can not go to the playground and wait a crisis because you are "too old" and "you have to go home, or I'll call the cops."
7. Your car is out to get you at all times.
8. Pretending to be sick and make your mom play along to avoid your responsibilities for the day is an option.
9. the weekends are least have fun and more about preparing for the work week ahead in a cycle endless because nothing gold can stay.
10. Races is a silent killer.

11. Social media begins to feel more like this by second.
12. You must make your own appointment.
13. Niceties are thrown to the wind because everything that cares really is when you are married and have children when you can not even manage even pay your own phone bill.
14. Speaking of phone bills, gross.
15. Policy.
16. You must make your own food, but what you usually at hand is balsamic vinegar, old bread and donuts.
17. You begin to realize that your parents were right ... everything .
18. "No, the beer does not count as a meal," is something you and your bank account will hear depressing about 30 times per month.
19. Pinterest is quick to remind you that most of your goals are unattainable .

20. You know that will always be there for you no matter what such as student loans.
Hey, paying bills can be the worst, but at least we can find a false sense of agency by eating cheese puffs for dinner. Small victories, friends. Small victories.
Oh, and the wine is something that exists. We'll be okay.
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