Amazing When he lost his toy, his parents were told he was traveling - So what happened

Admin 16.18
When he lost his toy, his parents were told he was traveling - So what happened -

When both parents were faced with a terrible dilemma, they came up with the cutest solution ever.

Their son lost his favorite stuffed elephant, and he was totally crushed. They would not let him cry a lot, so they turned to Reddit and asked their photo-savvy friends for a favor. What they got in return was a series of photo that made the day of their little guy!

This is the picture they sent worldwide Reddit.

This is the photo they sent out into the Reddit world.

Reddit / kontankarite

They called the Photoshop community elephant in beautiful scenes so they can tell their son's toy was just traveling!

They asked that community to Photoshop the elephant into beautiful scenes so that they could tell their son his toy was just traveling!

Imgur / earlyamerican

Reddit / Criticalg

Imgur / earlyamerican

The same publishers dressed him. He's a smart guy, is not it?

The editors even dressed him up. He's a dapper dude, isn't he?

Reddit / Astrophysicyst



He basically lived the dream of every traveler.

He basically lived every traveler's dream.


Reddit / kungfujohnjon1

Reddit / Astrophysicyst


If this is the definition of objectives Instagram I do not know what is.

If this isn't the definition of Instagram goals, I don't know what is.

Imgur / weeeeetao

(via Bored Panda)

Although these parents can easily find the elephant in a convenience store on the return trip home from the toy, we all know the truth. This cute little guy is always there to explore the world. We just have to go and find it!

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