Amazing When you see the reaction of the dog at the hearing 'Walk' The Word you will be in Stitches

Admin 14.45
When you see the reaction of the dog at the hearing 'Walk' The Word you will be in Stitches -

Dogs can be trained to do almost everything these days -this. To fetch the newspaper, grabbing a beer in the fridge for us, or flush, they are big enough. It is important, however, that you give the dog a word to anchor this task (to look, down, etc.), and once he heard that word, he knows exactly what to do.

There is always an exception to the rule, however, and it is-this dog. She seems to have learned only one word, and it is absolutely hilarious seeing react.

I feel as if it treated to learn 'walk. "

It absolutely like walks. Good for her ... at least she likes to exercise. I know some dogs that you have to drag outside to get them to go for a walk.

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