OhMayGod The brewery makes waves for something that has nothing to do with beer

Admin 16.36
The brewery makes waves for something that has nothing to do with beer -

According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Plymouth, 80 percent of marine animals entangled in plastic debris are either injured or killed.

The two main culprits are plastic bags and six-pack rings. "An estimated one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and turtles become trapped in plastic or ingest it and die," marine biologist Mark Tolkulka explained to representatives of Saltwater Brewery. And this is in a year.

For this reason, beer innovative magnet behind the brand decided to make a change.

By their six-pack rings on wheat and barley from the brewing process, produce packaging that also serves food for marine animals. These rings are biodegradable and they are enough to do the hard work.

Potential consumers can 't get enough. According to a "Big guys need to learn from this small brewery." And he is absolutely right.

For more information on the mission and methods of Saltwater Brewery, be sure to check their website. To look to set their plans in motion, follow them on Facebook and Instagram!

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